
Saturday, February 25, 2017

The almost half way mark… student teaching reflections week 7.

The sweetness taste testing lab provided some laughs at some of
the facial expressions after tasting!
Yesterday in the middle of a Foods Unwrapped lab I said to Mr. Masser- I just want one lab to go perfectly…. His response, it’s only week 6 of teaching, it will come.  Nothing went bad, I just want perfection- but we are human and we are not perfect.  I am learning a lot about setting up and concluding laboratory experiences in the agriscience setting and the agricultural mechanics setting.  I realized that asking questions based off of the procedures I ask students to read and providing demonstrations is essential.  I was able to include that this week, which I felt went very well.  There were a few glitches with materials and the time frame I had planned, but overall it went well.  Every lab continues to improve, it is my power technology lab that now needs more focus. 
Not only are these gentlemen coaching the small gas
engines team, but they also are helping out this student teacher
with engine knowledge and making sure my personal car
is running okay!
Power Technology is focused around small gas engines, and we have spent a lot of time in the classroom focusing on theory- and I think these six gentlemen are getting antsy, and in all honesty I am too.  I am spending some time this weekend to strategically plan out the next unit and how I can combine theory and practicums to reinforce content.  This is I know I need to grow in my comfort and confidence in. 

Lastly this week was FFA week.  The students planned three main things: blue and gold day, teacher goodie bags and a movie on Wednesday afternoon- which is a time used for providing extra assistance, work time and club meetings.  Oh and they spoke on the radio and did so well!  As I helped finish the officers put goodie bags together I noticed there were kids animal masks in the bags- at first I thought this is a little odd….but it turned out to be a hit, and all because the students thought it would be fun!  This  turned into a faculty meeting simply to take a picture with animal masks and the FFA sign, what a neat way to end FFA week!

This weeks gems and Opps:


  • Continued rapport with students
  • Labs are continuing to go well
  • Introductions/bellworks and interest approaches are getting better
  • Conclusions- this was an opp last week as well, but I need to do a better job of putting book ends on all lessons- here is to continuing to charge through. 
  • Leaving the challenge from one class at the door and starting fresh with the next 

Who says you can't have fun at work? 


  1. Kayla,
    As you learn for perfection (when working with multitudes of imperfect people :)), I want to gently remind you of Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule (

    We can be upset if we do not have perfection by year 7 ;)


  2. Kayla,

    I love the fact that you are willing to seek outside help, and to allow the students to help you become better. I agree that students (and teachers) get antsy to do the hands-on work. I finally felt like I got the balance right on my electrical wiring theory and practicums this past week in AEE 349, and I have been teaching that class for the fifth time, I believe! Keep up the great work !

    Dr. Ewing
