
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Gorgeous Land, Beautiful People: We are here.


We made it!  It is great to finally be here.  We arrived around 6pm Swazi time last night- and it was already dark!  It is kind of different to get used to that as we are used to the sun setting at 9 or so.   Let me update you on some of our travels.
Our flights were Chicago to Amsterdam then Amsterdam to Paris then Paris to Johannesburg, then a bus ride to Manzini Swaziland.  We did not have much of a lay over in Amsterdam but we did in Paris!! Flying from Chicago to Amsterdam we lost a night of sleep in a way due to the time change, but “when in Pairs” you explore!

Adventures of Paris first took us to the Eiffel Tower!  Now I am not much of a tourism or city person but being in Paris was very cool.  We had French fries in France, and ate our lunch by the base of the Eiffel Tower- even  a little nap too!  Later Chris, Katie, Peg and I went for a little adventure around the city.  We got gelato, went to the Arch of Triumph, this is a military memorial they were actually having a processional of veterans of some sort.  It was very cool to witness.  We also walked through the Notre Dame Cathedral.   Then we headed back to the airport and off to Johannesburg, South Africa.  Landing in Joburg is similar to landing in another city and South Africa reminded me of what it looks like out west in a way.  Then it was to SWAZI!

The landscape, gorgeous, the people, beautiful!  Ah- it is so great to be here!  There are 4 beautiful girls living in the Hope for Life girls home right now and they are so full of Joy!  Sindi an adorable little 9 year old already has me wrapped around her finger!  In signing some praise and worship last night she led us in two songs too- “He’s got the whole world in His hands” and “Jesus loves me”.  So cute!  God is good.  I haven’t heard a lot of their stories, but hearing bit from Sindi, these girls are in a much safer place now.    We are sleeping at the girls home in bunk rooms- I have 3 wonderful roomies- Lauren, Laura, and Sandy.  Sindi came in  to wake us up this morning- what a great way to wake up !  (And for most of you that know me waking up , I’m usually not the most pleasant!)  Today we also went to the Squatter camp, which is a very poor area and the most run down area in the city of Manzini, the children there are not necessarily living with their parents, and many are sick or without shoes.  Adventures in  Missions runs the kitchen where two meals are served every weekday.  We did not go all the way in today, but went to meet Ayanda’s family- (she lives at Hope for Life).  The kids were all over us being there!  Baka stole my heart- she is just as ticklish and giggly as I am- no wonder we were drawn to each other! 

Now- enough about travel and the things I’ve seen let me share a little how God is working and how he just continues to amaze me! Our first team Devotion was about words- words have the power to bless and the power to curse.  It says in the Bible we will “Eat the fruit of our words”.   This month (and always)  our words have power- that is exciting that we have the power to use our words to Love and share our faith.  We are trying to take every opportunity to use words to speak life and love into people and each other.  Along with words, our prayers have power.  Prayers have power to heal because God has the power to heal!  In saying this I ask that you continue to pray for physical health of our team- form joints and bones, to muscles and our bodies to adjust to travel, foods and a new place.  More than us though- I ask that you lift up Manzini in prayer for physical and emotional healing, but more so spiritually.   Romans 1: says: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes….”.  This is something I will continue to pray over myself, can you pray it over our team to please?  We were chosen to be His hands and feet in Swaziland, how amazing is that?  It is exciting, and also a large responsibility- to love His people, with His love! 
Prayer Requests:
-Physical Health of all
-Confidence when the Spirit is speaking to us
-Team Unity- by name: Garret, Sandy, Rachael, Andy, Lauren, Katie, Mary-Kate, Chris, Laura, Peg
-Prayers for Mary-Kate- she is leading our team and Swazi is her other home- lift her up in Praise to Christ. 
-Pray for the girls in the home- especially Tenele, she will be coming back today, and she is the girl that led Mary-Kate into creating the home, pray for her little ones too!  The baby boy is sick.
-That God continues to teach us and guide us- renew hearts and callings- this is prayer of my heart, along with this question  "Are you willing to lay all your own pursuits upon the altar and allow Him to make your body a living sacrifice?"- Sacred Singleness, Leslie Ludy.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Story and a Half

In 11 short days I will be on a plane to Swaziland Africa for an experience of a life time. Here is a little of the story of my heart for the trip, and a small bit on the country of Swaziland.

 One of the reasons I want to go on this trip is to have an experience that is different than anything I have ever experienced.  I am ready for God to completely break my heart for him, to show me Himself and His love in a light I have never seen it before, and  also to see how even though we are sinners, and deny Christ in our daily lives, he still finds us worth it, and lovable as His Children.   The last few years I have developed a heart for service and youth, especially young girls.  Our world constantly tells youth, they are not worth it, pretty enough, good enough, smart enough, strong enough, skinny enough..ect.  Knowing what that feels like, it breaks my heart, and is part of the reason I wanted to go on this trip.  I know that what some of the Swazi youth have gone through is nothing in comparison, and I hope that God will show me more of His love through that.   

I. Can't. Wait. But as I wait, I have been praying for God to prepare our hearts, and for Him to be the center of this trip.  Here is a little bit about Swaziland:

Size:  Smaller than New Jersey, landlocked between South Africa and Mozambique

Population: 1,403,362

Life Expectancy: 50 years

Health:  Swazi is the number one country with HIV/AIDS prevalence with over 25% of the population effected.  Those that are treated are a small portion, and to give you an idea of hospitals- there is approximately 2.1 hospital beds per 1000 people.  

Agriculture Facts: 70% population works in agriculture labor, limited supplies of portable water, wildlife is being depleted and overgrazing and soil are issues as well.  

Government/Economy:  Monarchy, 40% unemployment, exports: soft drink concentrate, sugar, wood pulp, cotton yarn, citrus and canned fruit. 

These are only a few quick facts, I will share more about the country and culture as I experience it.  We fly out June 26, from Chicago to Amsterdam, to Paris the Johannesburg South Africa, then bus ride to Manzini Swaziland!  

Prayer Requests:
-A sense of team community
-Health and Safety of all
-Prayer against spiritual attacks
-Prepared hearts and minds
-His Will to be done!

With Servants Heart, 
