
Monday, July 13, 2015

Surpasses All Understanding

 Okay…time to be honest with you.  I do some cool stuff here, “adventure-y” stuff, my research, helping with a garden, but that is not as fun to talk about, and I don’t get to talk about the ‘heart’ stuff very much… here is to sharing my heart and hoping it encourages yours.

It is the relational things that really matter….but it is also the relational things that are the most difficult.  When I am at Penn State, I have like-minded people around me, roommates, friends, Bible study friends, mentor…the list goes on and on.  I know I have believers I can talk to, I can walk with, here it’s not quite like that….  I have spent a lot of time questioning, reading and reading, and failing at keeping to my reading plan, questioning why I am here, if what I am doing matters, and if I am doing things the “right” way…..all while trying not to be stuck in my own jumbled Spanglish thoughts, and deeply desiring real relationship, deep conversations and real understanding.

But then there are moments that surpass understanding…

Walking into the church, I saw Doña Marta, who I usually sit by, she greeted me and told me how she had been thinking of me, and how happy she was to see me, I went to find a seat, but then finally moved right next to her like usual.  The sermon was about the church; what the church is and what the church isn’t….. as the pastor continued to preach things started to sink in, and some went over my head, thankfully he prints sermon notes.  The church is the body, the congregation of believers, of imperfect people, grounded in Christ.  The church isn’t just a building, it isn’t just a pastor, but the Church calls people in, the Church is in Christ. This is something I know and believe, but for some reason, it hit me again, because I’m in a foreign place- but still in the body of believers, still part of the Church….a realization I needed. 

A little later in the service, during a time of worship, I sat down.  It was one of those moments you are not really sure what to think, pray, say or sing, it was one of relief, but also crying out.  As I sat there the lady next to me simply placed her hand on me, agreeing with me in prayer.  The comfort that brought encouraged my heart even more.  As I stood up she wrapped her arms around me in a hug that I desperately needed, and began to pray for me, she had prayed for me another time and I didn’t understand it, but this I did… she started, and I remember two words distinctly, “entendimeintos” and “pensameintos” … I realized she prayed a verse over me: “y la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento cuidara sus corazones y sus pensamientos en Jesús Cristo  Translation: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in christ Jesus”.  Philippians 4:7, it is a verse I have heard and read over and over and over again- but this time it meant something totally different. 

Entendimientos: Understanding
Pensamientos: Thoughts/Minds

Surpasses ALL understanding.  The tears continued as she prayed this over me.  When she asked if I was okay, I tried to explain to her what that meant in a place where understanding has been my biggest struggle.  She continued to tell me how much HE understands more than anyone else, because He understands the heart.  I hugged her again and we turned to continue worshiping, the song: “hay victoria”.  There is victory.  And there is victory in deed.  I know He will use this later, this time in a foreign place, this time of trial and questioning and fun and laughter, jumbled thoughts, showering with a bucket, goats in the street and all.  Thanks Costa Rica, Doña Marta and all the people here that continue to show me the love and peace of Christ without words- something that will continue to surpass every ability I have to understand. Today the director of the school called me a 'gringo-tica', after the challenges and heart that I have experienced that is a title I will gladly accept.  

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