Send me, it is a personal commitment, to go, do what is asked, do what needs to be done be it a challenge or a joy. Just a lady with a traveling heart, loud laugh and old soul trying to change the world.
The three circle model is the base of agricultural education. Most of the time I explain it as a three legged stool, if one of the legs is not as even- the stool does not function properly. It is easy to forget about some of these, and SAE is one of the portions of the program that can be easily pushed aside, especially because it requires a great deal of commitment outside of classroom time. But it is worth it and provides students with an way to apply what they are learning and build upon skills we might not be able to teach in the classroom. This week we went to visit one of the students who is doing an agricultural mechanics SAE where him and his dad are rebuilding a Ranger. I might not know much about rangers- but it was an awesome visit.
Community & Parent Engagement.
We headed out to this students house to check out his SAE, and his SAE supervisor- which happened to be his dad. This was really cool to see him and his dad interact and how he is learning a lot of his mechanics skills from his dad and how they are exploring some things together. This is something that they mentioned is being passed down from generation to generation. SAE allows agriculture teachers to build these community and family connections that sometimes isn't always possible in the classroom or through parent teacher conferences. I think of it almost as a show and tell- but both ways. This may be a childish way of putting it, but the students gets to show off their project or experience and the teachers are able to tell the parents the growth they have seen in their child or the progress they have made. Watching Mr. Masser and Ms. VanSant do this was awesome. I was also able to ask a few questions about how he found the ranger. He heard about it and him and his dad went to look at it, and then took on this project because they enjoy it.
Financial & Resume Builder.
SAE provides a resume or portfolio builder along with teaching students about keeping records and being financially literate. Sure I learned all of this in methods classes, but it is different to see it in action. At Pequea Valley students need a senior project, which provides us a unique opportunity to allow SAE to be part of that, along with build students portfolios. We were able to ask the student about financial records and how he is able to finance this project. Him and his dad continued to share with us that they have a running total, where the student continues to repay the father for the supplies bought. We encouraged them to keep this in the experience tracker for his records. This student is working int he community, but then taking what he earns there and investing it in this project, not something students always choose to do.
Their World.
Lastly SAE allows teachers to enter the students world, to see a home or a business or in this case a garage. Sure it's about the records, the project and the learning- but it is even more about entering a students world and giving them the time, coaching and encouragement necessary to show that we care, and they are worth it. And showing parents, communities and families the same.
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