
Friday, July 19, 2013

His Eyes

A journal entry written through a time of sacrifice and trust in a God that Sees. 

Eyes: They are piercing.  Sometimes so radiant and full- full of life, full of joy, pain, sorrow, tears and smiles.

These eyes melt my heart.  The rich chocolatey brown eyes that stare up into mine asking to be held.  THey are beautiful, they are a glimpse into a childliek faith  and a sout, a soul GOd is concerned with. 

Their eyes have seen things I cannot imagine- things no little eyes should =see.  But what they don;t see is worse- they don't see they're worth, they don't see their beauty, they don't see the love they so desperately desire, they don't see the food they need to fill their swollen stomachs...

I see the hurt and struggle in their eyes, but I see much more... I see a smile with bright white teeth that shines on a dark and dirt covered face.  I see joy in a hug and a held out hand and a mischievous peek around the corner. I see a hope an beauty that Christ has created.  I see a love that overwhelms me.  I see a hope and yearning deep inside.  I see dreams that I pray come true, I see God and HIS love, Heart and JOY in each of these eyes.  Not with my eyes but with HIS.  El Roi- the God who sees, has shown me to see with spiritual eyes- things no pair of glasses, or contact lenses could ever see.

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