
Friday, January 20, 2017

I'm In The Right Spot: Week 2 Reflections

120 Eggs
4 Gallons of Vinegar
6 Small Gas Engines
1 Box of Spilled Oats
2 PPE Models
64 Record books
36 New Students
1 Pedicure Session

I am not sure if there is really any class, conversation, speaker or hear-say that will ever demonstrate what it really looks like as a day in the life of an agriculture teacher.  The list above is just a glimpse- but a pretty cool one, and next weeks list I am sure will be even more unique!  Week two of student teacher but week one of actually teaching was exciting, exhausting and eye opening- but that little fear 'did I really choose the right career field' was confirmed that YES I did yet again! This week was the first week of the semester, so the three classes I picked up I got to start with them at the start of the semester.  I started in Foods Unwrapped, Power Technology and Intro to Ag Mechanics (a co-taught class).  Three big take a ways from this week: time flies, every student is different and the teach ag family is awesome, 

Time Flies

Multiple times this week I thought to myself the night before- "I don't think I have enough planned".  Turns out I was wrong 90% of the time, which is an okay problem to have right now- as I am noticing it and still getting used to students and a bell schedule.  Not only does time fly in the classroom, but I need to take my time and let students do the same.  This means taking time at the end for summarizing and wrap up and take time to set routines and help student get into routines.  

Every Student is Different

I am not sure if there is a more accurate statement.  Personalities, backgrounds, beliefs, abilities, learning styles, learning abilities, accommodations, hair styles, academic interests..... the list could go on and on and on.  It has been really good to learn about students, about what they need from me- and they challenge me to be that teacher that I would want to learn from.  I know rapport is important, and it is something I want to continue to strive for. 

The Ag Ed Family is Awesome

I've always known this, but man oh man Lancaster County does this so so well.  Every month a small group of awesome ladies goes to have pedicures, coffee and just catch up on the crazy life that an ag teacher leads- and I have the blessing of joining them.  Not only that, but at our Lancaster County Ag Teacher's Meeting it was apparent that they are there for each other and I am pretty lucky to be placed in this area.  

Teaching Gems of the Week:

1. Enthusiasm- had a cool moment where my first period class was engaged and enthusiastic early in the morning. It was awesome but an area that needs continual growth.

2. Setting time limits and checking in on students. 

3. Student Engagement- I felt this week I really tried to check in with students, remember student names, and be aware of what they are doing 

Teaching Opportunities of the Week: 

1. Clarity- I know this is an area of improvement and as we sat down and talked about my observation today that was the first thing that came up for both of us.  This will require even more planning and simply me slowing down and making things clear. 

2. Time- this goes with my comments above, but time is essential, taking time and making time. A big area that I know I am starting to slowly improve upon. 

3. Organization- this is on my end personally and how I help students be organized and one of the tasks I want to start to tackle this weekend! 

Brewing Ideas:

- We are visiting a community garden next week that we were contacted to utilize and run
- Students are really interested in SAE this year, I am excited about that
- There is a grant assignment option, and I have been looking at some ideas and thinking about this
- Food Science labs start this week- CAN'T WAIT
- CDE sign ups have started and I am excited to help and coach! 


  1. Kayla, WOW! A reflective post that gives me all the feels as your supervisor! Proud to see you recognize areas of improvement, but harnessing your strengths and capitalizing on them to create a fun, engaging learning environment! Having a support system is crucial, and it sounds like you have found a good one! Keep doing great things!


  2. Love it. A common problem with teacher candidates is pacing (which is natural..comes with experience).

    Challenge: Think Deeply about "need to know" vs "nice to know" and instill a sense of urgency in your students that there is so much cool stuff to learn we have to be diligently on task!
