We need to flop.
Last week went through a tuning protocol where each of us were able to share a lesson that more or less flopped. After sharing the context (and frustration....at least the frustration I felt) we were then given ideas and our classmates were able to ask questions. This type of event requires you to drop your pride and say 'I mess up sometimes, but I can grow'. It was so good. Yes it was good to hear advice from classmates, but also see that we are in this together. Here is to changing the way I do some other lessons to improve the last few weeks.I LOVE Floriculture!
This week I started a floriculture unit and it has been really enjoyable so far. This unit will turn into my community based unit of instruction the very last day of student teaching. Floriculture is a science and an art and a hands on skill students can learn the basics of quickly- I think that is why I like it. This even prompted us (okay...Mr. Masser) to rearrange our shop to create an additional 'classroom' space, not only for floriculture but other courses as well. We are all liking this unit, and look forward to it growing as I go.Discipline isn't always fun- but it's necessary
Classroom management and discipline are not enjoyable... but necessary. I am so glad I am experiencing the ups and downs of this at Pequea Valley with such a great administration and cooperating teachers. Many teachers say this is something that comes with time and always changes- I get why they say that now.Gems of the Week:
- We started floriculture! This is very exciting, as this is the unit that will involve our community based unit of instruction. The students had their first chance at floral design this week
- Starting a new unit in Agricultural Biology- and it is a necessary next step
- Excitement and enthusiasm
Opps or Improvements for Next Week
- Limiting quesitons and enabling students vs making them to find their solutions first
- Stations- welding, foods, floriculture: How can I make these function just a little better, giving students responsibility and new learning tasks.
- Agricultural Biology has been a constant up and down for me this semester, but this week I am trying some neat things that I hope go well. I know I need to continue to study my material and find ways to better present it myself.
Here's to growing more this week, stretching myself and enjoying the last few weeks with these students!